Tuesday, March 2, 2010

trial & error

Since my last post, I have been doing a lot of searching for different things I can do for exercise to give me variety. I tend to get really bored doing to same routine over & over. When that happens I just stop. So a few different things in my weekly routine seems like a good idea.

First, I've been trying to do "Shimmy". It's a TV belly dancing workout. It's very low impact though, & I almost always end up watching more then doing thanks to the baby. I need dedicated TV time to workout to that.

That being said, I started recording a second TV show, "Bollywood Dance". It's a lot higher impact dance program but not the easiest to do in my living room thanks to tight space. I'll have to move the coffee table out of the way if I keep that one up.

Finally, Mark & I are going to do a "StrollerFit" class at the community center twice a week. It starts next week, so we'll see how it goes, but at least this includes the baby. No excuse that I had to be with the baby & couldn't get it done!

We are still walking the neighborhood on nice days & I keep looking at my bike, but have yet to get on it. I'm trying anyway. More to report soon I hope!

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Exercise on TV

I have been seeing a lot of ads for the FIT TV channel. Most of the programs look like a bunch of skinny people telling you how easy it is to do 1 arm push ups. Yeah right! I truly can't stand listening to those people. Lately though, I've been seeing interesting programs. Some that look like I might actually have a little fun while I sweat. That is very important to me. I am not dedicated enough to work out if I'm not having fun or being amused. It's a failing. I think someone finally understood that on this channel. I am now Tivo-ing 2 new programs.

The first is "Shimmy". This is a fairly low impact belly dancing program. Kind of a nice warm-up for 30 minutes. Bonus-- I'm gonna sorta learn to belly dance! Woo hoo! (Bet my husband will enjoy that!) The second is "Bollywood Dance". Bet you can figure that one out. I just programmed the Tivo to get this one. The small examples I've seen are much more lively & more like dancing then Shimmy. I think it will be a lot of fun. I just need to get a bunch of scarves to turn into a skirt & a belt with coins on it!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010


Why is it when you are by yourself, eating becomes comfort. My husband has been traveling for work a lot the past few months & I hate being home alone. The baby is entertaining during the day, but not exactly company. It was a lot easier to handle the travel when I was working. I was out of the house & focused on something for the majority of the day & only had a few hours before bed. Now I'm home all day... grabbing a snack, hanging out, making meals. Since the baby eats every few hours, I can't even avoid the kitchen! My willpower is being tested!! So far I am doing good. My snacks have been yogurt, fruit, granola.... & a little of the leftovers from Valentine's Day. Not too bad. It will be better when hubby is home & the sugar is gone! :)

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Valentine's Day

I have decided that Valentine's day must have been created by chocolatiers. It is in no way a day when you can focus on healthy eating & exercise. (Does being on my feet in the kitchen all day count??) All I see when I go out are bigger & bigger boxes of chocolate in any flavor or assortment you could possibly want. Is that really what people want? Personally, I'll take the flowers & getting to spend time with my husband over the sugar high any day.

That being said.... this year I decided I was going to make my husband a gourmet dinner. I roasted my very first chicken, had roasted veggies & citrus fruits, made mashed potatoes & crescent rolls.. then came dessert. I made homemade truffles & a red velvet bunt cake surrounded by mini cakes all decorated in cream cheese icing. Yup, that is a picture of the plate I made. So pretty & yummy! This is not a menu for anyone trying to lose weight!

It would be fine, except tomorrow hubby gets on a plane & won't be taking all these sweets to work so I don't eat them. I will be alone... for a week... with all of this tempting me. I have already made a goody bag for hubby to take on the plane, but there is still lots left. Therefore, I have decided to go visit someone & take dessert. Not sure who will be the lucky person yet. Probably my dad. That seems like a good gift right??

Please don't let me be stuck with all of this!! It was so pretty & fun to make, but horrible for my hips!!!!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Another blizzard...

So the snow hasn't stopped after all. Stuck in the house today while another 10 inches gets dumped on us. The hubby is home thank goodness, so I'm not worrying about him having to drive with all the crazies out there. Not so good for a diet though....

We is it when you are stuck in the house all you think about is snacking? I've played with the baby, I've cleaned a little, I've watched TV... & still I'm think "What's munchable?" I've already had a mug of hot chocolate too. Oh well. Once the hubby is off his telecon I am planning to get the Wii on & work out. We'll probably be shoveling soon too... if this damn snow ever stops!

Monday, February 8, 2010

The blizzard is over...

There was 31 inches of snow dumped into my front yard. Holy Moly!!! My husband & I spent the last 2 days digging our way out. That is some major exercise. I have muscles I never knew about.. and they're all sore!! We have a 2 car garage & a long driveway on a little hill. Yeah.. that was work!! Eating was just leftovers. I was too tired to pay attention!

Today I managed to go out to the grocery store. The roads suck, but if you take your time, it's not too bad. When I got home, I discovered the plows had come by again & I had been completely blocked out! There was a knee high pile off snow & ice in front of everyone's driveway!! I had to park on the street, climb over to take the baby inside, (thank goodness he was napping), then come shovel my way back to the car. At least it's cold out so I didn't worry about the groceries! Time for a nap!

So far today...

Breakfast: frozen wheat waffles
Snack: wheat thins
Lunch: turkey & provolone sandwich
Dinner: planning steamed broccoli & chicken

Friday, February 5, 2010

Snow is EVIL!!!!

So, for today I have a confession to make. I love baking! I don't really care what I'm making, but the whole process is very relaxing for me. I love to see what I've created in the end & I have lots of photos of the gorgeous desserts I've made. I have to be in the mood for it, but when I am... diabetics beware!

This weekend it is predicted that we could get up to 30 inches of snow. In my mind there is nothing better then curling up by the fire with hot chocolate, a book, & something tasty I've made. Not good for a diet. Especially since the mood struck! I now have a pan of super chocolate brownies sitting on my counter taunting me. I can't even eat one & take the rest to work. How will I survive a whole weekend snowed in with brownies??? I'm praying for willpower here!

Breakfast: cereal
Lunch: turkey & provolone sandwich & rye chips
Snack: almonds
Dinner: jambalaya & corn bread
Snack: hopefully only 1 brownie!!

Today I felt proud. My husband & son were napping & instead of joining them, which I really wanted to do, I went & worked out for a half hour on the Wii active. That thing really does give a good workout, & yells at me when I don't do it right.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Today's update---

Breakfast: Cereal & a banana
Snack: applesauce
Lunch: leftover chili & sourdough bread
Snack: blueberry yogurt
Dinner: steamed broccoli, mashed potatoes & a little chicken

Went for a nice walk today. Out for about 30 minutes, but I need to get a pedometer so I know how far I'm going. All the snow made it a bit tricky to get around the neighborhood. Lots of weaving back & forth from the sidewalk to the street. The path to the park was completely snowed over. Maybe we'll get there sometime after the blizzard on its way here!


This blog is to help me keep track of my exercise & snacking so I can get in shape.

My goal...
I want to lose 125 lbs.

My motivation...
I want to be able to keep up with my son. After he was born, I lost 30 lbs almost immediately... let's keep it coming off! He is currently 3 months old, but I know he is going to be a handful soon! Watching my friends kids, I know just how active & crazy kids can get. I want to be able to go to the park & not have to sit on a bench after 10 minutes of playing!!

A little background...
I've been overweight most of my life & of course I've done the yo-yo. I've tried plenty of diets, but the best results have always come from exercise. Since getting married, I've been pretty lazy about weight management, & it shows. That was also about the time my job turned into a desk job, & sitting on my butt 8 hours a day didn't help either! I've got curves to spare!

So now that I've put it out there, it's time to act. Here's hoping this year is finally the year I get myself in shape!